Major Coal Plant Upgrade – Philippi, WV

Project Details

Year: Plant A Early 2020 - Plant B Late 2020

Project Duration:

For this project, the Rogers Electrical Contracting Company, Inc. team is working on a turnkey project that includes all electrical design, electrical installation, programming, and start-up for the upgrade of a Coal Preparation Plant. 

This upgrade includes, but not limited to, the following:

An Allen Bradley ControlLogix Automation system, consisting of new processors and several remote racks.

Integration to existing plant system(s).

Expanding and Interfacing into the existing Ethernet Network, via both copper and fiber media.

Providing a state-of-the-art control room equipped with several HMI screens for operations.

Complete Ladder Logic Programming for all new equipment and the re-programming of existing to facilitate a consistent format.

Design/Supply/Installation of the associated power equipment, i.e., Transformers, Switchgear, Motor Control Centers, Power Panels, etc.

Supply/Installation of most associated control devices and instrumentation.

Design/Supply/Installation of the associated power, control, and instrumentation Raceway/Wiring.

Management of the electrical scope, logistics, and maintaining a safe work environment.

Facilitation of scheduled change-overs and testing.

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Rogers Electrical

246 Business Park Drive • Fairmont, WV • 304.363.5752 • Linked In
